Association Photo Chronicle: the Formative Years
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USMA Kosciuszko Monument at Age 195

Exemplar of a USMA Cadet from Poland

The first photo included here displays the participants in the initial meeting of the Executive Board in West Point's Thayer Hotel on July 27, 2003, followed by those of the First Annual Tadeusz Kosciuszko Conference of April 30, 2004 and the related Annual National Kosciuszko Observance held on May 1, 2004 in front of the world's second oldest national munument raised to his memory by the Corps of Cadets of the United States Military Academy at West Point on July 4, 1828. The world's oldest national monument raised to Kosciuszko's memory is the Kosciuszko Mound (Kopiec Kosciuszki) of Krakow, Poland that was completed in 1823. Except for the first photo, the ballance are those of the Second Annual Conference and Observance in 2005. Not pictured is 2004 Conference Keynote Speaker, Francis C. Kajencki, Colonel, U. S. Army (ret.), Historian, Patriot, Author, and Biographer of Kosciuszko, who addressed the conferees via pre-recorded video. Shortly after the 1st organizational meeting of the Executive Board, the American Association of ther Friends of Kosciuszko at West Point had been officially incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. On March 3, 2006, the United States Internal Revenue Service declared it to be a tax-exempt 501(c) 3 entity.

Taken at first organizational meeting, July 27, 2003. Pictured left to right: Anthony J. Bajdek, Cynthia J. Bajdek, Alicja Altenberger, George A. Katucki, Frances X. Gates, Stephen N. Olejasz, and Genia Golda.

First Annual Tadeusz Kosciuszko Panelists: Michael A. Peszke, M.D.; Stephen N. Olejasz, Major, U.S. Army; Frances X. Gates, Intenational Director Polish Singers Alliance of America; and moderator, Anthony J. Bajdek, Associate Dean, Northeastern University.

Presentation by Stephen N. Olejasz focused on the importance of educating children about Kosciuszko.

Presentation by panelist Alicja Altenberger, Research Librarian at Harvard University on selected (open) bibliographic references to Kosciuszko.

Presentation by Frances X. Gates on Kosciuszko's musical composition and donation of a commemorative book to Col. Robert Daughty, the head of the History Department, USMA.

Presentation by Michael A. Peszke focused on Kosciuszko's legacy.

At ease! The Conference ends.

Presentation of colors opened the Annual Tadeusz Kosciuszko Observance at West Point on May 1, 2004.

Association President and Founder, Anthony J. Bajdek, Associate Dean, Northeastern University, addressed participants in the 2004 Annual Kosciuszko Observance, The first Kosciuszko Observance ceremony occurred at West Point on July 4, 1828 when the base and column of the Kosciuszko Monument was dedicated by the Corps of Cadets.

Laying the Wreath. Pictured at left, members of Aria Chorus, Polish Singers Alliance of America. Center, in civilian attire is Edward L. Rowny, Lt. Gen. (U. S. Army, Ret.) and former U. S. Ambassador as well as USMA Alumnus, Class of 1941. Gen. Rowny was keynote speaker.

Polish-American schoolchildren, representing a N.J. Saturday Polish Language School, prepare to sing in Polish.

Please note that because of space limitations, not all aspects of the Annual Conferences and the Annual Observances can be included. However, what has been included best illustrates the scope of activities associated with these annual events celebrating the life of Kosciuszko.

Association President, Dean Anthony J. Bajdek, welcomes conferees and introduces panelists for the 2005 Conference.

2005 Panelists: Lt. General (U.S. Army, Ret.) and former U.S. Ambassador Edward L. Rowny; Prof. Mieczyslaw B. Biskupski, Central Connecticut State University; Industrialist and Philanthropist Harvey Hubbell IV; and Brig. General Kazimierz Sikorski, Air and Defense Attache, Embassy of the Republic of Poland, Washington, DC.

Some attendees enjoying the Conference.

More attendees at 2005 Conference.

And at the back of the room...

Professor Mieczyslaw Biskupski's keynote address focused on Kosciuszko and Polish symbolism.

Brig. General Kazimierz Sikorski proposed that Kosciuszko paved the way leading to great military cooperation between Poland and the United States today.

Lt. General and former US Ambassador Edward L. Rowny offered his thesis that there is a link between the American Constitution of 1789 and the Polish Constitution of 1791, and that Kosciuszko played a role in establishing that link.

Industrialist/Philanthropist Harvey Hubbell IV described the genesis of his internationally-acclaimed "Mission Kosciuszko: For Your Freedom and Ours" hot-air balloon and film projects.

Harvey Hubbell IV (center) introduces Association member Igor Sikorsky, Jr. to Brig. General Sikorski.

Gathering at the USMA's Kosciuszko Monument for the Annual National Kosciuszko Observation.

Audience arrives.

Walking down from "The Plain" to Kosciuszko's Garden that he personally built in 1778 at West Point.

The fountain that Kosciuszko personally built in the Garden in 1778.

A view from the base of Kosciuszko's Garden looking up towards the edge of "The Plain," USMA.

(Check our Recent News page for later highlights.)